Cool stuff at NextFest part I: Lumisight Table
Wired magazine's NextFest at Navy Pier was a lot of fun. There were so many cool things, and I got tons of ideas for the Planetarium and the new cosmology gallery that we are planning. So before I forget them, I thought I'd start blogging about some of the things that I thought might work in exhibits at Adler.
The Lumisight Table has a special surface that allows people at each of its four sides to recieve a different view. It works using Lumisity Film. The app. I'm imagining for this is one where you can select different galaxies and then walk around the table to view them in different wavelengths. There is a wonderfully magic effect when it switches from one view to another.
The app. they were running when I was there was poker - you could see your cards, but not those of the other three players - cute.
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